Frequently Asked Questions
How do company secretaries handle board meetings?
Company secretaries play a key role in managing board meetings. Their work begins long before the meeting, preparing the agenda in consultation with the board and senior management. They ensure the agenda aligns with governance best practices and addresses all necessary business items.
Before the meeting, they distribute board packs, including reports, resolutions, and relevant documents, to ensure directors are well-prepared. During the meeting, the company secretary takes minutes, documenting decisions, discussions, and actions. This creates a legal record of the meeting and supports accountability. They also ensure the meeting adheres to corporate governance standards and the company’s constitution.
Post-meeting, the company secretary follows up on action items, circulates approved minutes, and ensures decisions are implemented. For ASX-listed companies, they may also handle related compliance tasks, like lodging announcements or resolutions with the ASX.
Outsourcing this function can be particularly beneficial for smaller businesses or those needing expertise in governance and compliance. An experienced company secretary ensures meetings run efficiently, decisions are accurately documented, and regulatory requirements are met. This helps the board stay organised, compliant, and focused on strategic goals.